OHDC operates the WIA 167 MSFW Program in the State of Nevada. Registered independently as Nevada Human Development Corporation (NHDC) since 2008, NHDC assists farmworkers in obtaining permanent and higher paying employment opportunities.
Major services are:
Vocational Training
On-the-Job Training
Direct Job Placement/Job Development and Referral
Training-Related Support Services
Counseling and Case Management
Service Area:
Falllon NV and the greater Northern Nevada.
Program Requirements:
1.- Must be a citizen or national of the United States, a lawfully admitted permanent resident alien, refugee, asylee, or parolee, or other individual legally authorized to work in the United States, and;
2.- Must have not violated Section 3 of the Military Selective Service Act by knowingly and willfully failing to register for the Selective Service registration, and;
3.- Must have been a disadvantaged seasonal or migrant farmworker during any consecutive 12-month period within the most recent 24-month period prior to application; OR
4.- Be the spouse of the eligible farmworker and meet requirements 1 and 2 above OR
5.- Be the dependent of the eligible farmworker and meet requirements 1 and 2 above.
Please contact the NHDC office for further information on eligibility.
James Rios
Workforce Development Coordinator
Equal opportunity employer/program
Funds provided by the Department of Labor
Categories: Employment, N, Rehabilitation
121 Industrial Way
Fallon, NV 89406 US
(775) 229-8721 (Main)
(775) 423-6116 (Fax)
james.rios@ohdc.org (Main)