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Care Flight began in 1981 as a shared helicopter program of Washoe Medical Center, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center and Northern Nevada Medical Center to provide fast, high-quality emergency medical service and rescue to the remote and rural areas of northern Nevada and northeastern California.
In 1986, Care Flight was placed under the authority of the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority to create a comprehensive EMS system with fully integrated ground and air emergency medical services. From 1986 through 1990 Care Flight provided helicopter and fixed wing air ambulance transport. Since 1990 Care Flight has provided high quality helicopter critical care transport.
Care Flight began operations with an Alloutte III helicopter and critical care nurse staff.
In 1994 Care Flight began flying the first McDonald Douglas Explorer 900 NOTAR (no tail rotor) helicopter in EMS and continued to utilize this helicopter through 2002.
Care Flight now operates four American Eurocopter AS350 B3 AStars. The aircraft’s maneuverability, superior visibility with all seats facing forward, and low vibration level, means the transport will be as comfortable as it is efficient. The B3 is a workhorse known for its outstanding capability in hot weather and high altitude operations. The AS350 B3 version offers the highest performance in its category with enhanced safety and reduced pilot workload.
450 Edison Way
Reno, Nevada 89502 USA
(775) 353-0762 (Main)
(775) 858-6023 (Fax)
(775) 858-5700 (Office)
vcoyle@remsa-cf.com (Main)