24 Hour – Hotline Number 775-427-1500
About Us
DVI, Inc. is a community-based non-profit organization that focuses on assisting adult victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and their children. We provide direct services to victims as well as education and outreach to our community. DVI is committed to the eradication of domestic violence and sexual assault in our community.
Incorporated in 1982, DVI has continued to increase the quantity and quality of services provided to victims of domestic and sexual violence. In 1988, DVI opened the doors to its shelter.
Domestic Violence Intervention, Inc. has the social responsibility to respond to the needs of those victimized by domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence by providing confidential emergency shelter, counseling, support groups and other general supportive services.
Pauline Friedrich, President
Glenda Dockery, Secretary
Frank Palmer
Sam Stanton
Martee Donahue
BOARD MEMBER APPLICATION: https://dvifallon-my.sharepoint.com/personal/deana_dvifallon_org/Documents/Updated%20Board%20Member%20Application.pdf
Karen R. Moessner, Director
Domestic Violence Intervention, Inc.
Mailing: PO Box 2231 Fallon, Nevada 89407
Office: 37 S. Maine Street Fallon, Nevada 89406
Carin Gomes, C.A. Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Advocate
Domestic Violence Intervention, Inc.
Mailing: PO Box 2231 Fallon, Nevada 89407
Office: 37 S. Maine Street Fallon, Nevada 89406
Categories: D, Non-Profit, Public Service