Categories: C, Democrat, Government, Political
The Churchill County Democratic Central Committee, a.k.a. Churchill County Democrats is an organized county central committee as mandated by the State of Nevada. We welcome all registered Democrats in Churchill County. One of our purposes is to promote full participation of all Democrats in party affairs, to support our County, State, and National Party Platforms, along with the ideals of the Democratic Party. We strive to encourage and assist Democratic candidates for public office, and to support elected Democratic office holders. Another purpose is the continued education and registration of voters, along with assisting voters in the election and voting process. Our volunteers in the Churchill County Democrats knock on doors, talk to voters, and assist in this calling wherever needed.
Chair – Edith Isidoro Mills
Vice Chair – Chuck Kaiser
SECRETARY – Jeanette Strong, 775-423-9224
TREASURER – Ellen Johnson
Member at Large, OPEN
Meeting time and place:
The Churchill County Democrats meet at 5:00 pm on the second Thursday of each month, at the Library Annex, 507 S. Maine St., Fallon, NV
Function & Purpose
The function and purpose of the Churchill County Democratic Party shall be to promote full participation of all Democrats in party affairs, to advance the platform adopted at the Churchill County Democratic Convention, to encourage and assist Democratic candidates for public office, and to support elected Democratic office holders.
Our History
For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights, health care, Social Security, workers’ rights, and women’s rights. We are the party of Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, FDR, and the countless everyday Americans who work each day to build a more perfect union. Take a look at some of our accomplishments, and you’ll see why we’re proud to be Democrats.