Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC

Membership Level: 1-5 Employees

Categories: Attorney

1320 E Plumb Lane Ste A
Reno, Nevada 89502 United States

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Personal injury is a classification of tort law specifically dealing with negligence, product’s defects, car accidents, reckless conduct, and other segments of tort law. Hence it is important to hire a law firm or lawyer that exclusively practices in injury and accident law. Why? Personal injury is our specialty. Our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers understand the law, statutes and issues that are unique to injury law. Anyone who hires a law firm that is not a specialist in injury law is getting a jack-of-all-trades-attorney: someone that may understand basic fundamentals of that practice, but does not solely practice it.

Meet our team;

Joseph Benson *Partner

Ben Bingham *Partner

Dana Oswalt *Associate Attorney

Ida Ybarra *Associate Attorney

Todd Alexander *Associate Attorney

Dane Watson, Esq. *Associate Attorney

Benson & Bingham


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