Who We Are The Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) was created to provide crisis intervention and support to Nevada families dealing with a behavioral or mental health crisis. For so long, families have had no choice but to go to the emergency room due to lack of resources or knowledge of available resources. MCRT is […]
Categories: Emergency Management
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
Fallon Emergency Management
N.A.S. Fallon Emergency Management
How can I learn more? Contact your Fleet and Family Support Center to request FREE crisis preparedness training for you or for groups of any size. This training is free, portable, and will ensure you have the latest tools to be a READY NAVY command, Sailor, and family. Also, check out the Federal Emergency Management […]
Douglas County Emergency Management
Hazard Mitigation Plan The Douglas county Hazard Mitigation Plan has recently undergone an update by Douglas county Emergency Management and other local, state and federal agencies. Under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288), as amended by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, local governments are required to develop […]
Nevada Division of Emergency Management
Churchill Emergency Management
The Emergency Management Department is responsible for: Providing public support during emergency and disaster situations Providing logistic support for first responders during emergencies Coordinating shelter and evacuation for the public during disasters, whether natural or manmade
Red Cross
(775) 856-1000 Gail (775) 423-7546 – direct line Fire, flood, hazardous materials, weather events – emergency Money for clothing replacement (only if clothing is not salvageable) Food (if client placed in motel) Lodging 2 nights (3 if weekend or holiday) Emergency prescriptions (if needed immediately) Mental health counselors (on-call if needed) Referrals to thrift stores […]
Reno Emergency Management
Visit our preparedness page to make sure your family, friends, and pets are ready by assembling a kit, making a plan, and staying informed. Click the box below to sign up for regional alerts to ensure you are informed of emergency events occurring in the region!
Sparks Emergency Management
Visit our preparedness page to make sure your family, friends, and pets are ready by assembling a kit, making a plan, and staying informed. Click the box below to sign up for regional alerts to ensure you are informed of emergency events occurring in the region!
Carson Office of Emergency Management
Emergency Management Links Many organizations across the United States provide valuable information and services dealing with disaster preparedness and emergency management. Here are just a few of the many resources on the World Wide Web…links and links to links…on Emergency Management. Earthquake Preparedness So, you’re interested in what you can do to prepare for an […]